Blackbird and Robin leading the dawn chorus this morning.
Category: birdnet-pi
BirdNET-Pi 02/06/2023
Blackbird(s?) leading the dawn chorus this morning.
BirdNET-Pi 05/04/2023
BirdNETpi dawn chorus this morning. A quiet start to the day is a reflection of the weather – rain & mist.
BirdNET-Pi 02/03/2023
Robin who is usually one of, or is the first, was late to the dawn chorus this morning.
BirdNET-Pi 11/02/2023
Robin and Greenfinch leading the dawn chorus this morning.
BirdNET-Pi 09/02/2023
Robin continues to lead the dawn chorus.
BirdNET-Pi 07/02/2023
Robin leading the dawn chorus as usual. Have resurrected BirdNETpi on one of the two recently purchased
Libre Computer Boards AML-S905X-CC using the RTSP stream from the wildlife pond camera. Camera microphone feed is soon to be replaced with a dedicated microphone.
BirdNET-Pi 25/09/2022
A busy morning in the garden.
BirdNET-Pi 04/09/2022
Robin joined by Magpie and Dunnock on the dawn chorus this morning.
BirdNET-Pi 30/08/2022
Robin as ever leading the dawn chorus this morning.