Back again for breakfast the Magpie tadpole fisher!
Category: birds
Wildlife Pond 25/04/2023
Jackdaws drinking, and a Magpie “fishing” for tadpoles, at the garden wildlife pond today.
Wildlife Pond 14/04/2023
Grey Heron breakfasting on tadpoles this morning.
Feeding Station 13/04/2023
Coal Tit enjoying the peanuts despite the wind! (1min. clip from +3min. feed)
Wildlife Pond 07/04/2023
Blackbird at the garden wildlife pond this morning.
Garden Visitors 21/03/2023
Pheasant wandering about the garden this morning.
Feeding Station 09/03/2023
Blue Tits and Great Tits not phased by this morning’s snow.
Feeding Station 06/03/2023
Feeding Station 05/03/2023
Blue Tit and Coal Tit tucking in to the peanuts this afternoon.
Feeding Station 02/03/2023
Coal Tit “attacking” the peanuts this morning.