Sparrows sunbathing on the garden shed roof this morning. Counted 15 at one point.
Category: garden
Garden Visitors 23/07/2022
Garden Visitors 18/07/202
Garden Visitors 17/07/2022
Garden Visitors 15/07/2022
Garden Visitors 07/07/2022
And the juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker was back this afternoon.
Garden Visitors 28/06/2022
Young Sparrows being fed this morning despite the wind and rain.
Garden Visitors 26/06/2022
Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker in the garden this afternoon.
Garden Nest Boxes 27/04/2022
Are things settling down in the Blue Tit “Ground Hog Day” nest box? We’ll see what tomorrow brings!
And a late visitor to the Ash Tree nest box.
Garden Nest Boxes 31/03/2022
Last of lots of visits to the garden nest boxes today.