Reviewing yesterday’s videos from the garden wildlife cameras this morning discovered that we had a brief visit from a Blue Tit, possibly a prospective lodger?
Category: nest box fence
Nest Box (Fence) 09/06/2022
3-4 days? No! Blue Tits fledged this morning. 1 & 3 hesitated a little but 2 dithered for quite a few minutes.
Nest Box (Fence) 08/06/2022
Another 4-5 days and the Blue Tit family could be gone.
Nest Box (Fence) 07/06/2022
We’ve lost another of the Blue Tit brood during the day. Smallest appeared very lethargic this morning. Remaining 3 look healthy though.
Nest Box (Fence) 06/06/2022
Blue Tit update: there’s been a suspicion for a couple of days now that the smallest of the brood had passed away. Activity today confirms 5 are now 4.
Nest Box (Fence) 04/06/2022
Blue Tit “Captain Chaos” on walkabout in the nest box again this time upsetting his/her siblings!
Nest Box (Fence) 03/06/2022
Blue Tit nest box “walkabout”.
Nest Box (Fence) 01/06/2022
Blue Tit family settles down for the night.
Nest Box (Fence) 31/05/2022
Blue Tit first feed? of the day.
Nest Box (Fence) 30/05/2022
Blue Tit(s?) averaging 1 visit/minute to feed youngsters. (video 10min. compressed to 1min.)